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Ron Cole
Stop Motion Animator - Prop & Puppet Maker - Illustrator
Recent news​

Sinbad the Fifth Voyage Relased
February 7th 2014
Sinbad the Fifth Voyage was released for a week at select theaters in the US on Feb 7th, dates for VOD and DVD coming soon. Visit the Sinbad the Fifth Voyage fan page on Facebook for news about those releases and possible screenings outside the US by clicking the button below the poster to the left.
The film features numerous special effects sequences created using the art of stop motion animation, animated by Mark Sullivan, Peter A Montgomery and me, using the latest technology to bring this classic art form in to the 21st Century. The stop motion effects are featured in the latest preview for the film which you can watch here
An official release date has been set for VOD and DVD... Dec. 2nd 2014!
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